TYPROS Foundation 2024 Grant Cycle is now open!
Applications are being reviewed for grants up to $10,000.
Have a great idea to #MakeTulsaAwesome?
We can help you bring it to life.
Are you interested in becoming a TYPROS Foundation Trustee?
Fill out this application, and we’ll be in touch.
TYPROS Foundation 2022 Grantee Project - Greenwood Reflection Garden - Tracy Gibbs
Have a great idea? Let’s get it funded.
September 17 – Grant applications open
October 7 – Applications close
October 14 – Applicants notified of moving to interview round
October 15 - 16 – Interviews
October 22 – Winning grantees notified
November 2 – Grant winners announced publicly during Boomtown Awards at Hard Rock Hotel & Casino
Complete and submit the online grant application (seriously, this is the easiest form you'll ever fill out) when the grant cycle opens, September 17 to October 7.
We’ve also provided two examples of winning grants from the last two grant cycles.
We love it when applicants share their idea publicly on social media. You can upload a video, photo or simply post a message, but be sure to tag TYPROS and use the hashtag #MakeTulsaAwesome!
Applicants will be notified by October 14th if they are selected to move on to the interview round.
We'll conduct interviews the first week of August, and winning applicants will be notified in October.
Finally, join us November 2nd at the annual TYPROS Boomtown Awards, the foundation’s signature fundraising event, where we'll publicly announce the grant winners!
Prospective grants must fall under two overall criteria:
> Catalytic. TYPF considers projects that are catalytic in the community and for which our funding is crucial to the success.
> Connected to young talent and important to young professionals in the Tulsa region.
To be eligible for funds, TYPF grant applications must fit into one or more of the following categories:
> Placemaking
> Innovation
> Community Engagement
Does the TYPROS Foundation give grants to organizations outside of Tulsa?
Yes. We have a regional focus and are open to applications from the Tulsa area and nearby communities.
Do I have to be a 501(c)(3)? Can I apply as an individual?
We provide funding to individuals and 501(c)(3) nonprofits. We do not provide funding for businesses.
How much funding does the TYPROS Foundation provide?
We provide funding for grants up to $10,000.
Does the TYPROS Foundation provide any assistance to grantees for project execution beyond funding?
We love to help where we can and want all our grantees to be as successful as possible. That being said, you are the project manager for your grant, and the responsibility for its execution and completion ultimately lies with you.
Does the TYPROS Foundation sponsor events or galas?
We do not sponsor tables at galas or ongoing events. The request may be considered if we view the applicant as highly innovative or catalytic in the community.
Does the TYPROS Foundation provide operational funding?
No, we will not provide ongoing operational funding to projects or organizations.
Does the TYPROS Foundation provide seed funding to start a business?
No, the TYPROS Foundation does not provide seed funding for businesses. Grant projects funded through the TYPROS Foundation must be free and open to the public. However, TYPROS Foundation grant projects can be used to beta test ideas that generate profit in later iterations, i.e. an annual community event or festival.
When does the grant cycle open?
The 2022 grant cycle is September 17 to October 7.
How do I apply for a grant?
Complete and submit the online application during the grant cycle period.
By posting an idea, am I applying?
By tweeting, emailing, or posting, you are only submitting an idea. To be considered for a grant, you must fill out the full, electronic application available on the website and our social media. All applications are due October 7, 2024.
When will I know if I’m chosen for an interview and when will it be?
Applicants will be notified by October 14th if they are selected to move on to the interview round. Interviews will be held the August.
When will I know if my application has been approved?
Grantees will be notified if their application was approved for funding in October.
Can I submit more than one idea?
Yes, submit as many as you like, but be prepared to choose between them if you only have the capacity to complete one.
Who do I contact if I have questions?
We’re glad you asked. Any of our trustees should be able to answer your questions or point you in the right direction. You can also send an email to typrosfoundation@gmail.com.

Congratulations to the 2022 TYPROS Foundation Grant Recipients!
TYPROS Foundation awarded $35,000 in community grants for 6 projects in the 2022 cycle
Art Workshops and Tours in ASL - Nic Annette Miller - LoLoLook
This innovative project produced by LoLoLook will bridge the gap between the deaf community and major museum establishments in Tulsa by producing up to five guided tours at Tulsa museums in American Sign Language, followed by hands-on art activities. This program will be led by a Deaf educator or teaching artist directly in ASL. There are 71,000 deaf individuals in Oklahoma, yet programming for the Deaf community is limited. Making art accessible in ASL provides an opportunity to reach a large audience of visual learners. These programs will educate Deaf adults and children, along with their families, on a multitude of topics, inspire creativity, and encourage discourse from multiple perspectives. LoLoLook elevates American Sign Language programs at cultural institutions.
Community Skate Court at McClure Park - Mandy Durham
Roller skating as a sport has had a major resurgence. This project helps create a well-designed, family-friendly outdoor skating rink at McClure Park in Tulsa. The grant improves the skating rink by providing amenities like barbecue grills and outdoor seating. This project provides fun, safe, affordable entertainment, particularly for families in north and east Tulsa, helps address the detrimental effects the pandemic has had on mental and physical health and our ability to socialize, and brings people together from all parts of the city who want to skate.
The Business Cycle – This Machine Bike Share
This Machine Tulsa Bike Share is a nonprofit program that connects people to places where they live, work, and play through cycling. The Business Cycle program will raise awareness around the employee benefits of cycle commuting for businesses, including cost savings; improved mental and physical health, improved concentration, fewer sick days, and better productivity. This program will also raise awareness about additional benefits of cycle commuting, such as reduced motor vehicle expenses, increased calorie burn, improved mental and physical health and pollution reduction. Through this grant, the Business Cycle program will encourage Tulsans to commit to cycle commuting one day a week to make a big impact for themselves and their community… a simple one day commitment that will make a large impact over time.
Cultural Night Market and Food Festival - APIDA Tulsa
The goals of this event are to promote cultural diversity through food, support local, minority-owned small businesses and restaurants, and bring Tulsa’s unique cultures together through ongoing cultural events. Two night markets will be held in 2023. These events will invite Tulsans to meet, mingle, enjoy delicious food and vendors from various cultures, and build community with their neighbors.
Sister City Spotlight - Twisted Arts
"Sister City Spotlight" is a series of free, live performances in which a local LGBTQ+ artist from Tulsa will share a stage with a world-class underground LGBTQ+ artist from outside Oklahoma. These special evenings will highlight local talent and give Tulsa artists the chance to gain national exposure, as well as bring amazing performers to Tulsa from major cities around the country. Shows will include cabaret, drag, performance art and music.
Mental Health Education Project - Andrew Duffy
The Mental Health Education Project will offer free, accessible mental health classes to Tulsans. Through lectures, guided discussions, and coping skill practices, licensed therapists will create safe and inclusive environments for people to come and learn about mental wellness. Classes are open to all ages. Everyone is invited to come out and learn more about how to be mentally healthy.
In commemoration of the 100th anniversary of Tulsa’s darkest hour, the TYPROS Foundation dedicated its entire 2021 grant cycle exclusively to projects focused on Black Wall Street and the Historic Greenwood District. The TYPROS Foundation gave away $50,000 in community grants for this cycle, as well as the largest single amount ever given, $20,000.
Trash Talk - Victor Lawrence Collins
Trash Talk is a collective project to clean up underserved communities and to begin engaging neighbors in an effort to grow our sense of community. After each cleaning, a space will be provided for a local artist to perform and share their talents with those who come out to clean. The goal is to form a deeper connection between the artists in Tulsa and the communities they represent. This project is receiving $10,000.
Church of the Restoration Community Garden – Cooperation Tulsa
The Church of the Restoration Community Garden will bring Tulsans together to grow and cultivate food. The gardens will be managed by Tulsa’s community, and decisions will be made democratically and intergenerationally. The CRCG will be an interactive means of learning food sovereignty, restorative land practices and community building. This project is receiving $5,000.
Mindful Resilience Courses - Crystal Shaver
This course will focus on helping heal the trauma in the Black community. The idea is to give opportunities and safe spaces for Black people to explore, connect with and heal their traumas. The 4 week course will examine how trauma impacts the body. The courses will be offered for free. This project is receiving $5,000.
Black Pride Week - Black Queer Tulsa
This weekend of fun will be hosted by Black Queer Tulsa and will celebrate all the queer members of our community. They aim to bring the Black Queer community together with other races of the Queer community to form a bond and trust. They hope anyone from around the world who wants to come participate can do that. This project is receiving $10,000.
Greenwood Reflection Garden - Tracy Gibbs
This reflection garden will be created at the Gibbs Shopping Center on the east side of the building. This garden will remember and honor the survivors who triumphantly paved the way for awareness, education, hope and peace through sharing their personal stories of the 1921 Tulsa Massacre. There will be a mural with faces of some of those survivors, with QR codes that can be scanned to hear the interviews of survivors. The garden will be a quiet space to unwind, reflect and spark intellectual dialogue. Tracy Gibbs is a descendant of a Tulsa Race Massacre survivor as well as a respected business owner in North Tulsa. To honor her family and those lost in Tulsa’s darkest hour, the TYPROS Foundation is granting this project $20,000 - the largest single amount in TYPROS Foundation history.
The 2024 TYPROS Foundation Grant cycle is now open!
Past grantees

Interested in becoming a TYPROS Foundation trustee? Fill out this application, and we’ll be in touch.
Photo Credit and Special Thanks To
Executive Committee
Aaron LaBounty, President
BCS Prosoft
Brittanie Dougherty, Vice President & Grants Chair
BOK Financial
Kelly Cook, Past Grants Chair
Mariam Mamah, Governance & Nominating Chair
Tulsa Area United Way
Kenton Grant, Partnerships & Fundraising Chair
Olson Kundig
Andrea Maduro, Communications Chair
Tulsa Performing Arts Center
Matt Levitt, Treasurer
Zarrow Family Foundations
Dominique Clarke
Tulsa Remote
Lindsey Corbitt
Black Wall Street Chamber
Sheyda Brown
Terence Crutcher Foundation
Whitney Cipolla
TYPROS Chair Elect | Ex-Officio
Andrea Maduro
Tulsa Performing Arts Center
Auggie Valadez
Tulsa Community College
Charles King
Hogan Taylor
Aba Hammond
TYPROS Past Chair | Ex-Officio
Kelsey McAfee
Union Public Schools
Jasmine Frost
Holistic Intentions Co.
Mimi Martinez
PicMe Photobooth
Non-Voting Advisors
David Tollette
TYPROS Executive Director
Robert Babcock
Community Advisor, Circle Cinema