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TYPROS Leadership & Service Crew: Service Project

Leadership and Service community service volunteer project at The Spring.

As COVID-19 restrictions are being lifted, we have the ability to unite our community, using this opportunity to become stronger while supporting each other.

Leadership & Service Crew is hosting a group service project on Saturday, July 24th, from 9am to 1pm at The Spring. Volunteers can sign up to volunteer for one to four 1-hour shifts. There are limited spots available, so be sure to sign up now to reserve your spot!

About The Spring

The Spring is an organization located in Tulsa that's dedicated to providing advocacy, a safe escape, and ongoing care for victims victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, human trafficking, and stalking. Read more at

About Our Service Project on July 24

There are many ways to get involved with the Spring, but our group will be serving this organization on 7/24 by improving their boutique. Volunteers should wear clothing that's comfortable and that they don't mind getting a little dirty. The tentative schedule for the day includes:

9am-10am- Rearranging and stocking the boutique and storage room

10am-11am- Prepping and cleaning the laundry room

11am -12pm- Painting the laundry room

12pm-1pm- Picnic & activity with children

Directions to the Facility

Because this is a shelter, their location is not publicized. Directions provided: Go to 800 n 81st west Ave then you will see The Blossom on your left. Pass it and you will come to a stop sign. At that stop sign turn right and go up the hill and they are the red brick building that looks like a nursing home on the right.

Submit a Confidentiality Form

Because of the type of shelter this is, volunteers will need to complete a Confidentiality Form after watching a brief video at Password is "volunteer". Follow instructions at the website to submit the form.

Why the Leadership & Service Crew exists: To connect young talent with opportunities to serve the community and develop themselves both personally and professionally

Things we care about:

  • Community service and volunteering

  • Personal development

  • Professional development

Leadership & Service Crew Benefactor


Leadership & Service Crew Sponsor

  • CF Industries

TYPROS is committed to providing accessible and inclusive programming for all members of our community. For questions about accessibility, requests for accommodations, or to inform about dietary restrictions, please contact Andrea at at least 48 hours in advance of the event.