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TYPROS Leadership & Service + Diversity Crews: How to be a Disruptor in the Workplace

Whether you work somewhere with a small or large team, we’ve all been frustrated by organizations experiencing the malaise of average or the fear of creating change. When people stay in the same role or team for a long period of time and get too comfortable with “the way things are or have been in the past”, or resist change because what exists is pretty good or even fear losing their job for speaking up, things can get stale. If you would like to learn how to be a positive disruptor in your workplace, join TYPROS Leadership & Service Crew and Diversity Crew on May 20th at 6 PM to learn from some influential leaders on how to speak up and make positive change in your work community.

Why the Leadership & Service Crew exists: To connect young talent with opportunities to serve the community and develop themselves both personally and professionally

Things we care about:

● Community service and volunteering

● Personal development

● Professional development

Leadership & Service Crew Benefactor

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Leadership & Service Crew Sponsor

● CF Industries

Why the Diversity Crew exists: To foster openness and celebrating differences through education and conversation.

Things we care about:

Learning about diverse cultures and perspectives

Experiencing global cuisines and customs locally

Advocating for a diverse and inclusive city

Diversity Crew Sponsor

● OU Health Physicians

TYPROS is committed to providing accessible and inclusive programming for all members of our community. For questions about accessibility, requests for accommodations, or to inform about dietary restrictions, please contact Andrea at at least 48 hours in advance of the event.