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TYPROS Arts & Entertainment: June Crew Meeting

Join us for our June Arts & Entertainment Crew Meeting!

Join us as we virtually discuss our upcoming crew plans and initiatives! Here is a quick reminder of why our crew exists: To strengthen Tulsa’s creative vitality by promoting awareness, participation and education in arts and entertainment.

Share your thoughts! This is an open invitation to become creative with creative individuals in the Tulsa area. We are always happy to highlight awesome events happening in Tulsa. Drop-in and let us know what you're passionate about. We want to hear from you! But we also want to see you (virtually of course). So please let us know if you have any questions or concerns!

Register in advance to receive a link to the Zoom meeting.

Things we care about:

  • Fine arts, ballet, opera, theater, and art galleries

  • Local film and music

  • Sports and recreation, including college and professional sports teams

Arts & Entertainment Sponsor

Luxa Enterprises

TYPROS is committed to providing accessible and inclusive programming for all members of our community. For questions about accessibility, requests for accommodations, or to inform about dietary restrictions, please contact Andrea at at least 48 hours in advance of the event.