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TYPROS Monthly Meeting

All things TYPROS, all in one place.

We're making our April Monthly Meetings virtual! Now you can stay engaged with the community and TYPROS from the comfort and safety of your home. Just like our regular Monthly Meetings, we'll be hosting virtual networking at the beginning and end, and you can choose which crew you want to "break out" with at 6 p.m. Since we are virtual, we encourage you to move in and out of different crew meetings as you'd like to hear all of the conversations happening, or just stick with your favorite crew! See the links below for more details.

Networking - 5:30-6:00 p.m. and 7:30-8:00 p.m.
TYPROS Monthly Meeting - Networking

Crew Break Outs - 6:00-7:30 p.m.
TYPROS Monthly Meeting - Arts & Entertainment

TYPROS Monthly Meeting - Business Development

TYPROS Monthly Meeting - Diversity

TYPROS Monthly Meeting - Government Relations

TYPROS Monthly Meeting - Leadership & Service

TYPROS Monthly Meeting - Sustainability

TYPROS Monthly Meeting - Urbanists

We'll see you there!