Looking to bolster your networking skills? Or maybe you want to learn how to effectively communicate with someone you’ve just met and make a lasting impression? Join us on June 19th for Networking Works. We will hear from authors and speakers who are experts in all things networking. Learn the do’s and dont’s on how to present yourself, connect with others and even how to ask for a new job. The event will be held at OSU Tulsa in Room 140.
5:30 p.m. Check in
5:45 p.m. Special Guest Speaker - Peter Biadasz and Conniee Turner Gibson
6:15 p.m. Breakout Session - Practice what we have learned
6:45 p.m. Wrap Up
Parking is available at OSU Tulsa. Light snacks and water will be provided.
TYPROS is committed to providing accessible and inclusive programming for all members of our community. For questions about accessibility, requests for accommodations, or to inform about dietary restrictions, please contact Andrea at andreapemberton@typros.org at least 48 hours in advance of the event.
Business Development Sponsors
Tulsa Country Club